Smoke Free

Temporarily reduces the desire to smoke cigarettes*


Break Free from Tobacco with Smoke Free

Quitting smoking is one of the toughest challenges, but with Smoke Free, you have a powerful ally to help you on your journey. This natural supplement is specially formulated to temporarily reduce the desire to smoke and support your body as it cleanses itself of lingering tobacco toxins.


Why Choose Smoke Free?

1. Curb Tobacco Cravings: Smoke Free helps to manage those stubborn cravings, making it easier to resist the urge to smoke.

2. Fast-Acting Relief: Our formula works quickly to provide relief from cravings and helps manage symptoms like irritability and restlessness associated with quitting smoking.

3. Complementary Support: Pair Smoke Free with Quitters Jitters for enhanced support through nicotine withdrawal, smoothing out the rough patches and increasing your chance of success.

4. Natural Cleansing: Supports your body’s natural processes in eliminating toxins from tobacco use, helping you feel better overall.

5. User-Approved: Many users have reported significant reductions in their desire to smoke, kickstarting a healthier, smoke-free lifestyle.

Imagine the Benefits:

  • Breathe Easier: Experience improved lung function and overall respiratory health.
  • More Energy: Feel more energized and less fatigued as you free your body from tobacco.
  • Better Health: Enjoy the myriad benefits of a smoke-free life, from better taste and smell to improved physical fitness.

How to Use:

Take Smoke Free as directed to help reduce the desire to smoke. If cravings persist, pairing it with Quitters Jitters can provide additional support. Note that if you smoke while taking Smoke Free, cigarettes may taste different and could cause nausea.

Start Your Journey Today:

Imagine a life without cigarettes—where you can breathe easier, have more energy, and feel better overall. Smoke Free offers a promising pathway out of tobacco addiction, with countless users attesting to its effectiveness.

Take a significant step towards a healthier, smoke-free future. Try Smoke Free today and give yourself the best chance to quit smoking for good. You’ve got nothing to lose but the smoke.


  • B&H Smoke Free creates an aversion to smoking by encouraging dyspepsia and making cigarette smoke taste bad*
  • Aids in calming a person*
  • Can be used with other smoking cessation products*
  • 100% herbal formula that does not cause medical side effects*
  • B&H Smoke Control is a botanical combination that not only helps people stop smoking, but doing so in a way that minimizes physical and psychological distress*


Clear Wetness and Heat from Lungs

  • Houttuynia leaf
  • Sophora root

Calms Shen and Expectorant for Lungs

  • Polygala root

Tonifies Lung Qi and Calms Shen

  • American ginseng root

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