Our Formulators

Formulator PING QI KANG, OMD

Our Formulator Specializes in: TCM Internal Medicine, Traumatology Acupuncture, Gynecology, Skin Diseases, Ophthalmology

Dr. Kang attended Shanghai Medical University of TCM, graduating in the top 10% of his class.  He attended a special academic residency and became a full professor in 1969 at 23 years old (normally this academia takes 10 years). He became a Qi Master in Tui Na specializing in trauma and practiced in dermatology and internal medicine.

Dr. Kang was employed at Shanghai Hospital #1 in each service specialty arising to the top of each service.  In 1971, he was appointed to be the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of TCM at Shanghai Hospital #1 at age 25 – a position reserved for overall masters both clinically and academically.  Dr. Kang held this position for 14 years until 1985 when he came to the US to be a clinical professor at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ACTCM) in San Francisco.  He taught there until 1992 when he left to start a successful TCM practice on Clement Street in San Francisco. 

Formulas Designed Exclusively for Balance & Harmony 


Formulator KENNETH MORRIS, L.Ac., Dipl. L.Ac.,

Kenneth began his studies of Chinese Medicine in 1976 with Korean Master Se Han Kim and Taoist Master Ni Hua Ching. In 1986 he graduated from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco, California. He has been a student of Tai Chi Chuan since 1975.

In the early 1980’s Ken traveled extensively and lived in Southeast Asia to study meditation. He practiced Vipassana meditation as taught by Sayadaw U Pandita of Burma.

In 1980 Ken co-founded the Institute of Chinese Herbology and has taught comprehensive herbal seminars to health professionals around the country. He has been an herbal consultant to Pacific BioLogic and a faculty member of the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture. Beginning in 1986, Ken had an acupuncture and herbal medicine practice in Walnut Creek, California. Sadly, Ken passed away in June 2022.

Formulas Designed Exclusively for Balance&Harmony  

Stamp Out Sniffles, Chill Out, We Sleep, Rapid Repair, Prostate Wellness, Cough, Resist

Formulator  JOON SIK SHIN, OMD, Pharm D, Herbal Master

Dr. Shin was originally trained as a pharmacist. He became convinced of the superiority of his own traditional herbal medical culture and decided to study with Korean Masters. After many years he became a well-known master in traditional herbal medicine, creating herbal formulations for various companies. Based on his extensive clinical experience of using herbs, he formed his own herb company, manufacturing and selling specifically to health practitioners. 

Formulas Designed Exclusively for Balance&Harmony:

AllerHay, Quitters Jitters, Smoke Free, Vog Relief

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.