Vog Relief®

May help the body combat airborne particulates*


Breathe Easier

Living in areas affected by volcanic emissions, or "vog," can lead to a range of uncomfortable symptoms. It is designed to support your respiratory and immune systems, helping you combat the effects of airborne particulates.


Why Choose Vog Relief®?

1. Comprehensive Support: Vog Relief® is formulated to help your body manage the challenges posed by vog, supporting your respiratory and immune systems.

2. Alleviates Discomfort:  Vog Relief® may help address symptoms, allowing you to breathe easier and feel more comfortable.

3. Targeted Formula: Designed specifically for those affected, this supplement supports your body’s natural defenses against the unique combination of SO2 gas and fine particles.

Understanding Vog:

  • What is Vog? The hazy air pollution is caused by volcanic emissions, primarily composed of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas.
  • The Impact: As SO2 reacts in the atmosphere, it forms fine particles that cause visible haze.
  • Unique Composition: Unlike urban smog, vog consists mainly of SO2 and acid particles, requiring specialized support to manage its effects.

How to Use:

As directed to support your body’s response to exposure. This supplement is designed to promote respiratory comfort.

Experience the Benefits:

Choose Vog Relief® from Balance & Harmony to help manage the discomfort. Trust in our expertly crafted formula to support your respiratory and immune systems, relieving the unique challenges of living in areas affected by volcanic emissions.

Take a step towards easier breathing and better health with Vog Relief®. Let nature’s finest ingredients support your journey to respiratory well-being.


Da Zao (black) Ziziphus jujuba; Fructus
Chuan Xiong Ligusticum chuanxiong; Radix
Sheng Ma Cimicifuga (Black Cohosh)
Bai Zhi Angelica dahurica; Radix
Gan Cao Glycyrrhiza spp.; Radix
Sheng Jiang Zingerberis Officianalis Cortex Rhizomatis
Fang Feng Saposhnikovia divaricata; Radix
Qiang Huo Notopterygium spp; Rhizoma
Zhi Ke -chao Citrus aurantium; Fructus Praeparata
Qian Hu Peucedanum spp.; Radix
Jie Geng Platycodon grandiflorum; Radix
Fu Ling Poria cocos; Sclerotium
Chai Hu Bupleurum Chinense Radix
Huang Qi Astragalus spp.; Radix
Ge Gen Pueraria spp.; Radix; Kudzu
Cang Zhu Atractylodes spp; Rhizoma
Du Huo/Tuhuo Angelica pubescent; Radix
Long Pepper Piper nigrum; Fructus

Open Blocked Sinus
Fragrant angelica root                     Bai Zhi
Sichuan lovage root               Chuan Xiong
Open and Circulate Lung Qi
Peucedanum root                          Qian Hu
Bitter orange peel                             Zhi Ke
Reduce Tightness in Neck and Head
Notopterygium root                     Qiang Huo
Kudzu root                                       Ge Gen
Siler root                                       Fang Feng
Dry Wetness
Atractylodes rhizome                    Cang Zhu
Poria root                                          Fu Ling
Pubescent angelica root                   Du Huo
Focus Action of Herbs in Upper Body
Bupleurum root                               Chai Hu
Chinese cimicifuga rhizome           Sheng Ma
Platycodon root                               Jie Geng
Open Stagnation and Circulate Fluids
Ginger root (fresh)                        Sheng Jiang
Jujube fruit                                         Da Zao
Sichuan pepper                                 Hua Jiao
Strengthen Spleen Qi to Help Fluid Metabolism
Astragalus root                                 Huang Qi
Poria root                                             Fu Ling
Licorice root                                      Gan Cao

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